Monday, December 9, 2013

The Big Idea

The Big Idea
“The concept determines the resulting message: what you say and how you design. Though your concept or idea may be broad, it is foundational. Essentially, the idea drives your design decisions—how you create, why you select imagery and typefaces or lettering, and the reasoning behind your color palette selection. The idea sets the framework for all your design decisions. An ad idea is visually and verbally expressed through the creation, selection, combination, manipulation, and arrangement of visual and verbal elements and the written copy. A big idea is a solid, creative, on-brand idea that is large enough and flexible enough to be used effectively across media for a period of time.” (Page 68, Advertising by design, generating and designing creative ideas across media, Robin Landa, Second addition) My big idea is to be a personal shopping assistant. I will help in bringing back the idea that shopping is not a horrific experience. Shopping with the right knowledge, tools, patients, and personal guidence I will help my clients achieve the ultimate experience to improve their life simply with a clothing change.
Using a few simple steps anything is possible:
  1.  Picking out colors that maybe forgotten
  2. Educating a women on her shape and correct wear of the clothes
  3. Shopping and turning the experience into "fun experience" not a "horrific one"
  4. Exuding confidence and satisfaction for a love of ones closet
  5.  Listening, being patient, and having fun with my clients on a clothing adventure

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