Wednesday, November 20, 2013

TEDTalks: The game that can give you 10 years

TEDTalks: The game that can give you 10 years

Using a simple step theory can help increase 7 minutes our ones life.  In the following video, the speaker explains how this is possible.  Taking the position of regrets out of an equation will help boost that increase in life. 

Regrets people have are some of the following:

Wishing I hadn’t worked so hard in my life
Wish I were able to be happier
I wish I’d lived a life true to my dreams instead of what others expected of me
Stayed in touch with my friends

According to studies online gaming has helped many decrease their anxiety. 
With a positive attitude a person can change their priorities. Again you can go back to the previous blog about raising your hands and “opening yourself up” because sitting still will create more resilience to boosting energy.  Will power gives a sense of muscle memory.  Also provoking 3 positive emotions will help to squash out the 1 negative.

Outcomes and Goals

* Feel closed to my friends and family
* Who I really am now
* New sense of meaning and purpose
* My goals are easily reached

TEDTalks: Life Hack, You body language shapes who you are…

TEDTalks: Life Hack, You body language shapes who you are…

After watching this small episode, the speaker talks about how “Tiny tweaks can lead to big change.”  Using nonverbal can govern how we think and feel about ourselves.  When a person presents themselves in a closed off position they are giving off the appearance of hiding, feeling closed off, sheltered, no well and definitely uninviting.  “Fake it till you make it.”  Is a good method to follow, and when you make it still fake it, because with a slight change in opening your self up will boost a sense of confidence and possible change your shape of mind for the better and have a more positive out come.